Monday, December 28, 2009

Dreamwalkers, this is for you!

After reading part of the "12 Golden Keys for a New World" manuscript, a young friend wrote: "I've discovered dreamwalking. Yes, that's right. Walking in dream worlds, the other worlds beyond this physical Earth reality. Might sound crazy, but true."

These 12 Golden Keys are spoken about in "Universal Tides: Barbed Wire Blues" (Utides). However, the new non-fiction book will teach you how to dreamwalk on your own AND remember the trip! The website is "up" but only the teaser page. It's at

So when can you buy it, you ask? Hopefully in early 2010, like March or April. Let's hope so, cause it will come just in time to help the planet.

Live to Live,

[Photograph by Anastasia Milne Parkes]

Read the new book by M. J. Milne, author of Universal Tides.

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