Saturday, November 17, 2012

Will World End 12:21:12?

Greetings! I had an interesting conversation last night with the husband of a co-worker who asked me point blank, “So, is the world going to end on December 21, 2012?” To give you an inkling into who he is, this fellow is a friendly Italian who likes to hunt moose, but when he actually shot one he hated it and will never do it again, he said.

In reply to his question and our previous conversation, I spoke nonstop for ten minutes and have no recollection of what I said—Spirit was unusually verbose and speaking through me this evening. From the look on his face and the fact his mouth dropped open, what I said must have been pretty interesting. It wasn’t negative. It was positive, something about . . .

A major consciousness shift has indeed happened already but not necessarily because of some great galactic event, but because there’s a tipping point of thought-energy. Speaking socially / politically, we’re tired of being taken advantage of by Big Banks and Big Government that we (supposedly) elect. We’re tired of pretending that we don’t know what’s going on when each and every one of us knows what “they” are doing and who "they" are, that the medical system feeds Big Pharma who is corrupt and greedy, that Monsanto is selling our brave farmers 'suicide seeds,' and feeding us GMO poisoned food, etc. We know all that because we are already becoming consciously connected to Source/Spirit, and most of the population is waking up together, en masse, realizing we are Conscious Souls living in multiverses of non-physical reality. The "event" is about moving us past a social consciousness and into a universal consciousness.

Okay, thanks, I just wrote out most of what I said, consciously remembering. There was more, but that’s the jist of it. So there will be an “event” of sorts, and I think it’s important for us to do a contemplation on 12:21:12 if only because most of North America will be waiting with baited breath for “something” to happen, and a good portion of the rest of the world, too.

No matter what your belief paradigm, I'm certain we can agree on bringing more LOVE onto our tiny planet EARTH. Contemplate by singing HU and on giving loving energy to the whole, while envisioning the Earth surrounded by the field of a glowing light energy in the shape of a HEART. I mean, like, what else are you going to do on 12:21:12?

To listen to what HU sounds like, go here:

Love is you,
M.J. xoxo
© M.J. Milne 2012
[HU artwork by Eva]

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who Are You Becoming?

The energy flow enveloping the planet is very intense so it's good to know that I am not alone in the resulting symptoms. I know I'm getting older, but there's more to it than physical age; it is definitely an energy shift, feelings of fatigue, and displacement of motivation, in other words, tired of trying to get on with the business of getting on.

Our depression and fatigue has a lot to do with coming into alignment with what we are supposed to be doing individually, not only as a community. To first know your community you must get to know your new self—that which you know you are becoming. Some of us are becoming healers or seers, some are playing with the new energy to figure out how to utilize the amazing attributes. It is real. It is here. Discover who you are to be, and are already, and your symptoms will dissolve. Healings are commencing now. It is the uncertainty that is the unwellness and accepting uncertainty is the first step. Uncertainty is the new adventure.

Much love,
M.J. :O)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Wise Womyn Elders and the
Rise of the Feminine Principle

By M. J. Milne

There are over 100-million menopausal womyn on the planet. That’s the population of a small country! In fact, it’s the population of Mexico. What does this mean in the big picture? The word ‘menopause’ means ‘change’ and yes, our world is changing.

It means for the first time in the history of our planet, there are 100-million Wise Womyn Elders whose purpose, whether realized or not, are here to assist en masse in the rise of the feminine-Yin* energies and the shift of our planetary consciousness. This is not by accident; it is ordained.

It also means that as we age and bring in the Goddess/Feminine energies the world is changing from aggressiveness to a heart-based energy---from fear to love.

We are being inundated with fear in the last decades of the aggressive-Yang* domination, a suppressive era. Now the flip side of the same coin, the Yin, is steadily taking its place as the major influence. No matter how much they refuse to change, there’s nothing anyone set in the Yang-based consciousness can do about it because it’s based on the shift of our planetary consciousness.

I believe that most of us---meaning Souls incarnated into a physical body---have not lived to this ripe old age before. Our Elder years are totally new to us. Most of us died in our thirties from such things as rampant plagues (e.g., the Black Plague that swept through Europe in the mid-14th century), all kinds of wars both ancient and present day, earthquakes and ice ages, invading barbarian tribes, bad hygiene practices throughout the Middle Ages, and a million other things that can cause death of the physical body.

So is it any wonder that we the over-sixty crowd are now wondering what we’re supposed to be doing?

The media keeps telling us how we should handle old age, what we should be doing, how we should be planning for retirement, asking us to give over our money so so-and-so-company can help us grow old gracefully, and other such retirement makeovers. There’s no graceful way to age gracefully! You just do it and hope for the best! No amount of planning and preparation will stop the flow and ebb of karmic change and chaos in our lives.

So how do we live gracefully? --- It’s easy to answer that question: Everything comes back to living your life with gratitude and unconditional love.

As you grow older, and hopefully wiser, we are growing closer together with one another. This is because of the rising Yin energies that without even trying are nurturing and loving. We over-sixties are in this together and we can, and are, helping one another. In my book “12 Golden Keys for a New World” I write about helping one another help others. Meaning, help one another. That’s the simplicity of growing older and wiser. We are learning at an accelerated pace that we’re in this together and we’re meant to help each other thrive, not only Elders, but young people too. Young people are banding together. Unfortunately, the media calls them ‘gangs’ giving them negative connotations, but they are actually meant to be similar to ‘pods’ assisting one another as a pod of dolphins swimming in unison.

We are in this ocean of love and mercy together. Start swimming in unison.

Copyright © 2012 M. J. Milne

[*Footnote: In Asian philosophy, the concept of yin yang (yīnyáng) describes how seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world. Yin is characterized as slow, soft, yielding; the intuitive, receptive, nurturing side of ourselves; and is associated with the moon and femininity. Yang, by contrast, is fast, hard, solid, and aggressive; the action-oriented, forceful side of ourselves; and is associated with fire, the sun, and masculinity.]

Artwork by Georgia Lambert, 'Chalice Well Deva'
