Thursday, July 20, 2023

A Prophetic, Scientfic Dream

July 20, 2023 - Mornin' Earthlings!

How's your summer so far? I had a dream last night, a rather prophetic scientific dream. Here's what the dream told me:

 As I gazed out at my sea view and felt how it's cooler here by the ocean than inland, a realization said, believe it or not, it's about to slowly get cooler. "How?" I asked. 

 The answer said, "When 2024 begins to bring in the 230-year cycle of global cooling." 

 Yup. Happens every 230 or 240 years. On cue. The last cycle started in 1794. Colder and colder winters, and even the Arctic ice returned. I'd forgotten this meteorological fact.

 Amazing the news isn't reporting that because as the Earth makes it's elliptical cycle around the Sun, the closer it gets to the Sun it means global warming (as in present day), and the further away it goes on its elliptical cycle it means global cooling. Grade-3 science. Been happening for millions of years. 

I was asked to remember how in April of 1815, the volcano of Mount Tampora/Tamporo erupted in Indonesia, in the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history. The ash blanketed that side of the world for two years, creating no summer crops. Famine developed because of no farming and, thus, no food, plus civil unrest; as a result, for example, many people in Europe perished. [*]

In 1815, there was 1-billion people on the planet. Today, there are 8-billion people on the planet. If volcanoes erupt today, the predicted global cooling would be devastating for us as we'd be unable to feed that many people. Is that why the spokesperson for the WEF called them, us, the "useless eaters". Hmm, is that why Bill Gates is creating fake food and buying up millions of acres of farmland in the U.S.? — I woke up saying, "Got it!" And then, fully awake, I researched it.

This is not a conspiracy theory. The meteorologists say it is an 80% probability. But they've been ordered not to say it too loudly.—Really? Nothing here to worry about?

It's not about a doomsday. Life on planet Earth is to be enJOYed. It's about preparation and being weather-wise. I was told to "Find your tribe, and help one another---together," which is also in my book, "12 Golden Keys for a New World," as in: Help Others Help Others.


MJ xo



Monday, July 10, 2023

Exciting New Cover for 12GKeys Book

 July 2023 - New, Exciting Update to "12 Golden Keys for a New World"

Discover 12 Keys for spiritual travel, clarity of purpose, well-being, & joy!

For the EBook &/or Paperback, go to:


