Monday, January 31, 2011


Have you been going through an unusual amount of experiences, one after the other? As the 'Great Turning'* progresses and accelerates, so do we. Starting the New Year with a solar eclipse on January 4th propelled most of us 'sensitive beings' into a spiral. [*Term coined by Joanna Macy]

Speaking for myself, my work with 12 Golden Keys for a New World came to a full stop over December and January. I wondered why and came to the conclusion that I was supposed to rest now and gather strength for what's coming.

I also realized I needed to let go of all the "tricks" I was clinging to—the ones we're taught to do to spiritualize ourselves. Whether it's our "usual tools of yoga, meditation, shielding, clearing, cleansing, and affirmations," or whatever we perform on the outer to make us feel closer to Spirit. I don't mean to say anything against these processes; they all have their place in our spiritual development. These outer processes help us to focus on what really matters. But then 'American Idol' or 'Survivor' or 'Dancing with the Stars' slowly seeps in and I can't wait for the great blur to take over. ;O) 

Therefore, focusing on going to the interior worlds for answers can be a struggle—those multidimensional worlds of Spirit, the divine matrix just beyond the looking glass. It is in the still quiet where lives all you are seeking. To remain conscious of the Living Energy on this earthly plane is impossible. Being a part of this life is our lesson, many lessons to realize and embrace. You are so loved in the world of "us." Be at peace.

There will be lots of changes this year. Many of you will think that some are negative and some positive; yet within the realms of Spirit, there is no difference. Out of this seeming chaos will come the vision of our new reality, which already exists. So Be It now!

Take a leap of faith and open to your inner knowing, not relying on your mental process and anything that is outside of you. Once you learn to trust in the pure Voice of Soul and your intuition, you reconnect easily with that amazing inner peace and joy that is your innate being.

—With much love, MJM of

 [01-31-2011]  [Photo by Julie Mitchell, 'Yukon Sunset']

Monday, January 24, 2011

Traveling With Spirit

Travel Tip: Don't wait on 'HOLD' with a portable phone while booking flights.
I've never used air mile points to book flights before. Have you? What a test in patience! I waited forty minutes on the portable phone for someone to answer. As soon as the service rep finally came on, my phone died. Ha. Is this a message? Am I supposed to go on holidays? Yes, but not that flight I was about to book. Ah, the ways of spirit are endless---my inner guides are protecting me.
Where to go on my holidays? Greece or Italy? Couldn't make up my mind, so I'm going to both. Visiting Greece again after 15 years came as a total surprise to me. So I will go to visit my friend Perry in Greece and give the country my tourist dollars--they can use them, or so I'm told. And then off to Italy for a friend's 50th birthday at a villa. 21 days of travel. I'll definitely be bringing my "Travel Angel" with me! [Photo]
Stay tuned, I'll be blogging about it here:
~MJM ;O)
Author of "12 Golden Keys for a New World" at
