Thursday, May 23, 2024

REVIEWS for "Secrets of the Italian Villa"

Secrets of the Italian Villa by M. J. Milne
A spicy, sapphic, slow-burn romance about finding the courage to love again—no matter who you are.

04.24.24, was the On-Sale Date for "Secrets of the Italian Villa" by M.J. Milne—now a BEST SELLER on Amazon! Over seven years in the making, and it involved traveling to Italy, breathing-in the culture (and aroma of the food—yum), many rewrites, lots of editing with lots of help, but the journey was always joyful. Thanks for coming along on the journey, and continuing along with me, onward. And thank you for reading my book and, then, taking the time to write a review. I am humbled by your beautiful words. You’re awesome!
—Live to Love Life! - MJ Milne
* * *


A gripping love story, riveting from start to finish! — You made me cry at the end as it very much related to my story, letting go of fear, trusting, opening up my heart to love again. It is universal, for everyone. A perfect romance novel! Bellissima!”   
- Liz Perry Durant, Actor/Stage Director
Never too late for love! - Romance in Italy? What more could you ask for? This book is well-written and researched. The setting of Lake Como is magical and you feel like you are there. I laughed out loud from the beginning. So many lovely moments of humor and romance!” 
—Roslyn Muir, 5-Star Amazon Review 
“What a wonderful read! An uplifting story about self-discovery and learning to love/trust again. The author’s description of Italy is so vivid that you can almost feel the cool breeze coming off Lake Como. The characters were well-written and there is never a lull in the story. I hope this author is working on her next book because I can’t wait to read it.” 
Heather O'Donnell-Farquhar

"Outstanding novel about learning to love again! It's never too late.... Love this novel. Set in beautiful Lake Como. Tempts one to fly away there and live the dream. Easy to read and I was hooked from the beginning. The author did not fail to deliver her promise of travel, romance and secrets. And yes even the option of learning a recipe rang true. Even picking up a few words of Italian was a perk.
    Enjoyed how the 'secrets' of the villa came to light almost from the beginning to the end. Added to the intrigue. The steamy scenes? There were many. Need I say more? Well, I had to turn on a fan.
    The story takes the main character on a beautiful but sometimes turbulent journey to find out who she is, how to let go of what no longer serves her, how to move on and finally coming out later in life. Reaffirming love is love and it can surface at any age regardless of gender. She teaches us to live life to the fullest and love deeply. A must read. Looking forward to future novels by this author."
—Linda Penney, 5-Star Amazon Review.

Fly Off The Shelves! - "Hi All! Wanted to share with you something that greatly inspired me yesterday… I think we all know that our world can be a capitalist nightmare and it’s hard to make art JUST BECAUSE without societies pressures of success weighing over you. But last night I went to a small book launch for a later in life lesbian author who has been working on this spicy sapphic novel for SEVEN YEARS just because it’s her dream and passion to make art. At this event were lesbians in their 50s and 60s and 70s there to support, living life to the fullest, and truly embracing what it means to create community. I think it’s our responsibility as younger queer people to support those who paved the way for us, who may not know how to utilize social media to get their art into the world… and that’s why I think it would be very cool if we helped this very deserving woman have her book “fly off the shelves”: Secrets of the Italian Villa, by M.J. Milne. Available on Amazon:
—From @breannewilliamson, May 6, 2024.

Devoured The Book - “I just finished reading ‘Secrets of the Italian Villa’ by MJ Milne. I devoured the book as it was a historic, sexual mystery set in Italy and intrigued me right from the start. It created a renewed sense of emotional feelings, a snapshot into a fascinating part of the world that I have never visited.… Perhaps I need a lesson in Italian but the words were all explained. It was a book in which you could create your own movie as you read. It stirred emotions about finding the courage to love again! Buy it!”
—Heather Cranston, 5-Star Review on Amazon. 

Love Story, Mystery & Intrigue - "I read your book this weekend. Nothing I like better than a good love story, with some mystery and intrigue thrown in. Thanks for the journey, it made me want to plan another visit to Italy. One more thing, it inspired me to cook Italian last night. I used the marinade recipe from the book. Yum."
—Liz Shelton, 5-Star Review on Amazon.

Don't Want It To End - "Enjoying morning sunshine with coffee and a delicious chapter of Secrets of the Italian Villa.… I’m rationing pages so that I can have many mornings when I'm starting my day with Gerri at the Villa. Don’t want this to end."
—Catherine Frost.

Fantastic! - "OK! I was impressed; you're a great writer. I just finished your book. It was fantastic! Now I want to go to Lake Como."
—Niki Wilkinson.

Transported! - “Just finished your book. SO GOOD! So well-written and easy to read. Once I started, I was caught up in the story and couldn't stop reading. Loved the storylines and so descriptive of people and places. I was transported back to my holiday in Milan and drinking Bellini's opposite the Duomo and shopping in the Galleria. Better get started on your next one, if you haven't already!” - Carell Alden

Loved It! - "I just finished your book MJ, it was a wonderful read. Your knowledge of history, Roman and Greek mythology, the culinary arts, as well as the geography and language, you are amazing! A lovely story of falling in love, forgiveness and taking chances to start a new life. I just loved it."
—Leila June Burt Crozier, 5-Star Review on Amazon.

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone - “Secrets of the Italian Villa is a charming and uplifting novel that beautifully captures the essence of self-discovery and adventure. The protagonist's journey from a routine life to the vibrant experiences of Italy is both heartwarming and inspiring. The author’s vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling make it easy to be swept away by the Italian scenery and the lively cast of characters. A delightful read that reminds us of the transformative power of stepping out of our comfort zones.”
—Bita H., 5-Star Review on Amazon.

“Heard about this on TikTok and I’m so glad I bought it!! Such a cute love story and wonderful read!!” 
—Simplyleesha, 5-Stars on Amazon.
“Great book. Amazing read!” 
—Cristina Martinez, 5-Stars on Amazon.

Passions Never Felt Before! – “After months of mourning the tragic death of her husband, culinary arts professor Gerri McKenna discovers he had been cheating on her for years. Devastated, and with the need to get away, she takes a step out of her ordinary life, and through a friend, accepts a house-sitting job in the idyllic setting of Lake Como, Italy, where she becomes concierge to a group of high-spirited American women on holiday. It is here she experiences a whole new aroma of life—new sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells—and passions never felt before! And through an unexpected turn of events, she uncovers a web of secrets about the Villa’s history, and an alluring opera singer whose clandestine past could change Gerri’s life forever.… A perfect romance novel! Bellissima!” 
—Liz Perry Durant, Actor/Stage Director

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


"Secrets of the Italian Villa" by M. J. Milne



04.24.24 = The On-Sale Date for "Secrets of the Italian Villa" -- What a journey it's been. Thank you for all your love and support; I couldn't have done it without you. >> Soon, the next journey begins! I hope you continue to come along for the ride to see where it leads ... onward! ...
Order the book here, or at

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

12 Golden Keys Book in Libraries


The North Shore Authors Collection 2023-2024 was unveiled, featuring 75 local authors and my book was one of them!  "12 Golden Keys for a New World". 
Available on Amazon or from your local bookstore through Ingram, such as Banyen Books in Vancouver, and Talewind Books in Sechelt.... and now in the North Shore libraries.
Thank you to our local libraries for hosting a wonderful evening of local talent!


Thursday, July 20, 2023

A Prophetic, Scientfic Dream

July 20, 2023 - Mornin' Earthlings!

How's your summer so far? I had a dream last night, a rather prophetic scientific dream. Here's what the dream told me:

 As I gazed out at my sea view and felt how it's cooler here by the ocean than inland, a realization said, believe it or not, it's about to slowly get cooler. "How?" I asked. 

 The answer said, "When 2024 begins to bring in the 230-year cycle of global cooling." 

 Yup. Happens every 230 or 240 years. On cue. The last cycle started in 1794. Colder and colder winters, and even the Arctic ice returned. I'd forgotten this meteorological fact.

 Amazing the news isn't reporting that because as the Earth makes it's elliptical cycle around the Sun, the closer it gets to the Sun it means global warming (as in present day), and the further away it goes on its elliptical cycle it means global cooling. Grade-3 science. Been happening for millions of years. 

I was asked to remember how in April of 1815, the volcano of Mount Tampora/Tamporo erupted in Indonesia, in the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history. The ash blanketed that side of the world for two years, creating no summer crops. Famine developed because of no farming and, thus, no food, plus civil unrest; as a result, for example, many people in Europe perished. [*]

In 1815, there was 1-billion people on the planet. Today, there are 8-billion people on the planet. If volcanoes erupt today, the predicted global cooling would be devastating for us as we'd be unable to feed that many people. Is that why the spokesperson for the WEF called them, us, the "useless eaters". Hmm, is that why Bill Gates is creating fake food and buying up millions of acres of farmland in the U.S.? — I woke up saying, "Got it!" And then, fully awake, I researched it.

This is not a conspiracy theory. The meteorologists say it is an 80% probability. But they've been ordered not to say it too loudly.—Really? Nothing here to worry about?

It's not about a doomsday. Life on planet Earth is to be enJOYed. It's about preparation and being weather-wise. I was told to "Find your tribe, and help one another---together," which is also in my book, "12 Golden Keys for a New World," as in: Help Others Help Others.


MJ xo



Monday, July 10, 2023

Exciting New Cover for 12GKeys Book

 July 2023 - New, Exciting Update to "12 Golden Keys for a New World"

Discover 12 Keys for spiritual travel, clarity of purpose, well-being, & joy!

For the EBook &/or Paperback, go to:


